MHV's Off the Trail
MHV's Off the Trail
Rewriting Your Money Story: Exploring the Link Between Mindset and Financial Abundance
We welcome Susan Diamond, money mindfulness coach and founder of HerFinance Club, on to this episode to explore the link between YOUR money beliefs and financial success.
Susan, who holds a Master's degree in Social Work from Fordham University, was certified by The Center for Financial Social Work as a Financial Coach. She blends the latest research and the most recent industry opinions into concepts and tools to help you improve your results with money.
Access Susan's tools here:
Read the introduction chapter to her book https://www.herfinanceclub.com/Money-Belief-Formula,
Download affirmations to inspire financial consciousness: https://www.herfinanceclub.com/financial-consciousness-guide, and
Download the DIY Money Story Guide to examine and uncover money blocks: https://www.herfinanceclub.com/1-diy-ms-guide-popup